A Certified Consultant can:

  • Validate your BIM Compass™ results;
  • Make it possible to publicly share your reports online;
  • Help you finalize the concept BIM Execution plan with your project team;
  • Give an (open)BIM Secrets workshop with presentations, that you finish with an online exam;
  • Answer your questions;
  • Help you with your BIM development roadmap;
  • and much more…

Certified consultants have access to extra content like best practices from other consultants, (anonymised) benchmark data from BIM Usage worldwide, infographics, and much more.

* = When you hire a Certified Consultant to help you, you will get a ‘Full Membership’  for free for one year!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I hire a Certified Consultant?

You choose your own consultant. You can browse consultants per country and expertise on this page.

Who pays who?

The ‘Lite Membership’ is free.
You pay BIM Supporters for the ‘Full Membership’.
You pay the Certified Consultant directly.

Do I need the full membership to hire a consultant?

No. When you are a ‘lite member’ you can hire a Certified Consultant to help you unlock your BIM potential.

What happens after a year?

Your membership stops. We are proud of our principle that we do not lock-in or surprise users. You can extend for another year with a simple click.

I have another question!

Great! Have a look at the FAQ section on our site, or send us an e-mail.